Chicago gay pride flag

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If your order is defective in any way, first off we apologize. Just do us a favor and be sure email us at within 30 days of purchase and make sure your shirt/s are not worn/washed. For each additional shirt ordered after your first shirt, we charge $6 per shirt which covers shipping, processing, and printing a new shirt should you need a different size.

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If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to email us at We will get back to you as quickly as possible. Once fresh and ready, we will ship your order to you USPS Mail along with a tracking number so you know when it will arrive. As such, please allow 3-5 business days for production.

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Wearing our Chicago rainbow pride flag shirt is a great way to support the LGBT Chicago community. This is the perfect Chicago gay pride t shirt for the person that looks forward to the Chicago gay pride parade event every June.

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