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My wife saw that I was a bit hurt and explained, 'Jessie is a lesbian, she isn't into men. 'My bad,' I said, looking down - defeated. 'Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were going into the other room to give us privacy.' My heart sunk, looks like I wasn't going to be sticking my dick into Jessie tonight. Jessie noticed me, and stopped kissing my wife. I went back into the living room where they were sitting and they were making out. I stepped away for a minute and went into the bedroom and took a Cialis, got a drink of water and chugged it. My wife poured her some wine, and she drank some too - I refused because I knew that just in case I was going to get lucky, drinking wine would screw with my ED. They sat down on the couch and invited me over. They were both tipsy, and my wife introduced me to Jessie, raven haired, medium sized tits and a nice tight body. One night she went to a bar and brought back a very attractive female, who was about 45 years old (same age as my wife). My wife and I have been in an open marriage for a few years, she's bisexual and I love the fringe benefits of it. I've got some Cialis and sometimes I wonder if a lot of the ED isn't psychological.

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I've just turned 50 and with that age bracket - there comes problems, the main ones being an enlarged prostate and erectile disfunction.

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